ER70S-3 Spools Carbon Steel Welding Wire Blue Demon
ER70S-3 is a general purpose MIG wire
suitable for many carbon steel welding
applications. It is a silicon and manganese
deoxidized wire making it excellent for
general fabrication. This product requires
a shielding gas.
Typical Applications
• General fabrication
• Metal furniture
• Sheet metal
• Ornamental iron fabrication
• Farm equipment
• Auto frames
AWS Specification
AWS A5.18/A5.18M:2007
AWS Classification ER70S-3
Welding Current for MIG process
DCEP (Electrode Positive, Reverse Polarity)
Typical Wire Chemistry with 100%
CO2 shielding gas
C 0.06 - 0.15
Mn 0.90 - 1.40
Si 0.45 - 0.75
P 0.025
S 0.035
Ni 0.15
Cr 0.15
Mo 0.15
V 0.03
Cu 0.50
Typical Wire Chemistry with Argon
+ 20% CO2 shielding gas
C 0.08
Si 0.45
Mn 1.06
P 0.014
S 0.01
Typical Mechanical Properties
(As Welded) with 100% CO2
shielding gas
Yield Strength, ksi 62
Tensile Strength, ksi 75
Elongation%, min 33
Typical Mechanical Properties
(As Welded) with Argon + 20%
CO2 shielding gas
Yield Strength, ksi 63
Tensile Strength, ksi 78
Elongation%, min 30
Welding PositionsF,V,OH,H
Available Diameters MIG and
suggested Operating Range in Amps
.023" 35 - 70
.030" 50 -120
.035" 50 - 140
.045" 70 - 350
1/16" 120 - 450
Available Diameters TIG
.035", .045", 1/16", 3/32", 1/8" & 5/32"