ER316LSI Spools Stainless Steel Welding Wire Blue Demon
ER316LSI is similar to ER316L with an
increased silicon content that drastically
improves the wetting characteristics of the
weld producing a very smooth bead. This
product is used in applications where a
good cosmetic appearance is important.
AWS Specification
AWS A5.9/A5.9M:2006
AWS Classification ER316LSI
Welding CurrentDCEP
Typical Wire Chemistry
C 0.03
Cr 18.0 - 20.0
Ni 11.0 - 14.0
Mo 2.0 - 3.0
Mn 1.0 - 2.5
Si 0.65 - 1.00
P 0.03
S 0.03
Cu 0.75
Typical Mechanical Properties
(As Welded)
Yield Strength, ksi 64
Tensile Strength, ksi 90
Elongation%, min 37
Welding PositionsF,V,OH,H
Available Diameters MIG with
Operating Range in Amps
.023" 35 - 70
.030" 50 - 100
.035" 100 - 150
.045" 150 - 200
Available Diameters TIG with
Operating Range in Amps
.035" 60 - 90
.045" 80 - 110
1/16" 90 - 130
3/32" 120 - 175
1/8" 150 - 220
5/32" 170 - 350